понедельник, 27 апреля 2015 г.

Употребление относительных местоимений

Via http://informal-english.ru

▪ Who, whom and whose

Местоимения who, whom и whose относятся только к одушевленным предметам. Изредка они употребляются с животными и неодушевленными предметами.
A boy who does not play games will never be healthy.
This is the woman whose husband was killed by the dacoits.
I have an Alsatian whose name is Bruce.
This is John Paul whom I used to know as a child.
The ancients worshipped the moon whom they called Diana.

▪ Which

Which употребляется с животными и с неодушевленными предметами.
Mangoes which are over-ripe should be thrown away.
The horse which won the race is called Handsome.
This is a case which calls for careful investigation.

Which также употребляется, чтобы сослаться на предыдущее утверждение.
The man said he was a police officer, which was not true.
He wants me to give up his claim, which is impossible.
He happened to be there at the time, which was fortunate.

▪ That

That употребляется как с одушевленными, так и неодушевленными предметами.
This is the boy that won the first prize.
Here is the man that I told you of.
This is the monument that was built by Shah Jehan.
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Одно из отличий that от who, which состоит в том, что в то время как who и which могут употребляться в притяжательном падеже (whose, of which) и с предлогами (of whom, to whom, by which) that таким образом употребляться не может.
This is my boy of whom I am proud.
This is the man whose house was burgled.
I have an axe with which I cut wood.

Нельзя заменить that словами of whom, whose или with which в данных предложениях.

▪ What

What употребляется с неодушевленными предметами.
I mean what (= that which) I say.
What (= that which) is one man's meat is another man's poison.
Take down what (= that which) I dictate.
I saw what looked like a flying saucer.
What cannot be cured must be endured.

▪ As

As употребляется в качестве относительного местоимения после such, и иногда после the same.
He is such a man as I honour.
His reaction was such as might have been expected.
My position is the same as yours.

▪ But

После отрицания, слово but употребляется в качестве относительного местоимения в значении who…not или which…not.
There was not a man among them but hoped (= who did not hope) to get out alive.
There is no rose but has (= which does not have) some thorn.
There is none here but will (= who will not) support you.

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